Is there a new girl on the Block? The social media world seems to be tabbing Charlotte McKinney as the next Kate Upton. McKinney had a tough time breaking into the modeling world, so she took things into her own hands. She’s used one of the greatest tools at her disposal, social media. Since then she has taken the social media world by storm. McKinney was quoted for an Esquire interview saying, “I’m a curvier bombshell with big boobs. I’m not high-fashion. I don’t do runway. You won’t see me at Fashion Week.” Where can you see her? Instagram of course. McKinney seems to be a very confident girl, but apparently that wasn’t always the case. She went on to explain that she dropped out of school at 17 due to “bullying and girls being mean.”
Maybe not those mean girls, but I’m sure most girls have share similar experiences. McKinney never let the bullying crush her and pursued a career in modeling through social media. She moved on quickly and showed the world how comfortable she really is with her body. No girl should feel self conscious about her body. You may not express your comfort level the same way as McKinney does, but here are 22 examples on how McKinney overcame bullying…
Does Charlotte McKinney compare to the great Kate Upton? Only time will tell, but as for now she is on the rise.